What are the instances that a teacher becomes a hero? Well, it is simply like this, a hero is distinguished by its exceptional courage, nobility, and strength. The so-called principal character in a play or movie. In the field of education, our teacher is our no.1 hero, in the sense that he/she is the one molding us to become a successful individual. We are talking about "real heroes" and not "hero fanatics". Perhaps, the profession of being a teacher is always a sacrifice and that you become a hero.
They say that "Teaching is the noblest profession." Because without teachers, we are not worth living here with a glance of intelligence. The most important part of being a teacher is that they change the world. By means of enhancing us to a more productive citizens in the society. Knowledge of excellence is actually gaining, as lessons and activities tackled with genuine love and patient care. Yes! That's exactly a teacher. The one who fights for a cause. And that's exactly the word "poverty". Education is the keyword to erudite it. Our teacher is classified as our second parents, we must owe love and attention. We must lend our ears for us to understand the lessons they feed to us. Our teachers are merely the feeders of excellence, and we are the acceptors.
The only instrument needed to raised our nation's sake is no other than a.. --TEACHER! Exactly! Because without teachers, there were no professionals. Sounds like, our teachers are the main roots of everything. Teachers serves as our greatest endeavor. Therefore, teachers still the BEST. I consider myself lucky enough to have YOU as my teacher. "Accept my sincerest thanks!, with lots of love & care, hugs & kisses!". Cudos to all of my heroic teachers who become part of my life. I love you.. ma'am.. sir.. You're my teacher.. my HERO.. ^^,