Nursing is not just an ART, it has a heART. Nursing is not just a SCIENCE, but it has a conSCIENCE.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Breaking Barriers Through English

      Every step in the progress of the world has tended to obliterate the technical barriers by which logicians have sought to separate the inquiries relating to the several parts of man’s nature. Barriers are classified as the structure or object that impedes free movement. It is the condition that makes it difficult to make progress or to achieve an objective. Intolerance is a barrier to understanding.
                In the beginning, this country was a melting pot. Many different people, from many different countries, of many different ethnic groups, speaking in many different tongues. English arose as the predominant language. Overtime, people realized the staying in touch with their cultural backgrounds, including the language of their native countries. The main problem presented now lies in communication on and interaction with each other. It is obvious that miscommunication causes problems. Practicing the fluency of English speaking promotes all a common ground on which to communicate. It will diminish racial conflicts as well as encourage the whole nation to become involved in the society. It will also improve the efficiency of government operations. The biggest and most obvious problem with speaking many different languages in one united country is communication. How could we ever tolerate as well as to overcome this unbreakable barriers. Communication is still a big part. How could we ever unite as a nation if we don’t stop chasing and making ourselves for nothing? Many people do not even know or learn English at all.  Some people gradually pick up the language, but do not learn enough to bridge the communication gaps between themselves and the locality. Even everyday communication creates tension. Along with communication difficulties, the language barrier among us contributes to racial tension and segregation.
                Before we move forward with new efforts to lower the barriers to succession, we must review the consequences of the policies of the past and address the problems of the present. Fear stimulates us to take action and can be our friends but if you act as though fear is not there, if you deny it-it will build and create barriers among the humanity. In the long run, commitment and co-operation is a MUST to overcome the boundaries and barriers, and determination on to achieve the standards of fluent speaking. And that have always been the principal target.