A new year. A new beginning. A fresh new start once again. A golden treasure box of waiting dreams? unopened. Everyone is happy as the new year brings out a tide of fresh air and a lease of a fresh new start,in a rather undocumented way. It's always a fresh new chapter. But every renewed start always requires some motivation and some inspirational new year resolutions to make that crossing the threshold a little more pleasant and a little less apprehensive.
I was writing my diary this morning dated December 31, 2010 and i realized that this would be the last time I would write 2010and it would be the last day I would live in that year. These thoughts made me feel somewhat sad like I was saying goodbye to an old friend, but also optimistic that I would be saying hello to a new one tomorrow as I welcomed in 2011! Another chapter in the story of my life. The first day of a new year is like standing at the beginning of a very large bridge that I am about to walk over. I cannot see the other side and I have no idea where the bridge will take me on what it will fell like to walk upon if I must, I am ever going to get to where I am planning to go. And so, I move forward, one step at a time, the foot in front of the other, setting a clear intention that I want the experience of moving across to be a pleasant one, I remember that it is the journey and not the destination that really matters, and I begin to enjoy the gentle wind upon my face and the sweet sounds of the birds flying above and the water flowing below. Our journey through life is very much like this. We have no idea where it will take us sometimes but we just need to keep walking because that is the important thing. To just be here now. To just keep showing up. Starting over is something that everybody loves to do. Even more when it comes to new years. Resolutions are made and very few are actually achieved or followed through. People make such a big deal of celebrating the new year and think about the new year will be like or what things they want to resolve on that time frame. It makes me wonder why they think that just because a new year begins everything from the past year will magically fade away. Atleast, that is the impression some people give off when it comes to new year. One of my New Year's resolution is to arrived early at school and put on more hardships and more attention to my studies, and consequently, to diminish the inferiority that covers my identity.
However, New Year is also about becoming a better person and climbing onto a superior plane as a human being. I do not necessarily mean a plane designed by the morals set down by society; as right and wrong are rather relative terms whose definition varies from person to person, but a plane which at the endof the day,gives you that feeling that as an individual you have evolved.
hello pren?bat hindi hello kitty?haha
ReplyDeleteiloveyour post pren...very good:)